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· I'm having trouble adding music to my library
Describe the issue
Problen since update 19 July 2024. If I add a new album or files to my library Roon freezes on "waiting for Roon core" desending purple logo which then goes to white modulating logo and back again. If I remove the new files Roon returns to normal.If I try to use a different library the same thing happens. It appears to happen when I try to add storage or increase storage when adding files.When locked out or frozen I have to restart Roon after removing new files to get it back. If I remove old files the same thing happens if I try to put them back.Library is on ext SSD into iMac Catalina OS patch running on late 2011 12.2 model with updated metal GPU. The library SSD works fine with Audirvana and Lightning DS.Re installed Roon twice. When doing that Roon did not see storage and was a problematic install. It did come back if I then restored a backup.There appears to be 2 start up pages when starting Roon,the white logo changes position before Roon settles.
Describe your network setup
Unifi AP wireless network running off router with fibre to router.