Issue with Roon not forgetting previously imported files (ref#SGIFM0)

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I imported a folder containing a lot of files that have not been properly tagged. I am not ready to import them to my main library.

If I hide that folder from my library, the files are removed upon the next re-scan. But if and when I eventually tag and import the files again in a new location, Roon keeps the original import date.

Is there a way I can tell Roon to completely forget files without deleting them from my storage? I want it to be as if Roon had never seen these files before.

Describe your network setup


I’m not 100% certain what you mean, but I’m assuming you are hiding the folder that’s on the filesystem so Roon can’t see it. If this is not the case can expand on this.

  • Hide the filesystem folder like you did before (my interpretation this is what you did), and wait for or force a file rescan in Roon.
  • Check the albums no longer show in Roon.
  • Then in Roon Settings perform a Library clean-up (to remove the “deleted” files) .
  • This will removed the records from the Roon database, so that when you unhide the files, they are imported from scratch (new import date, new meta etc.).

Hope this works for you.

I actually meant adding a path to the ‘ignored paths’ list under Settings > Storage, but I think the outcome is the same.

Your advice was spot-on: I had never experimented with the ‘Clean up library’ feature before. But it has worked. I ran a test on a file I had ‘hidden’ from Roon: I cleaned the library, sorted out the tagging/metadata and then moved to one of my monitored folders. On the next import/scan it picked up the file with the new import date! This is exactly what I was looking for!

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