Issue with Roon Server Connection on Nucleus Devices (ref#N537LN)

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What’s happening?

· I'm having trouble connecting to Roon

What type of connection issue?

· I can't connect to Nucleus

Describe the issue

My nucleus is connected to the WiFi. But after rebooting the system keeps “looking for Roon server”. My IT guy looked into it, but it won’t work.
I’ve been travelling for 5 months and before that everything worked fine.
I have two Roon cores, one at home and one in the office. Both seem to have the same problem.
Maybe I’ve the wrong version?

O my goodness, I’m so sorry to have bothered you all.
During my travelling my iPhone crashed on the floor in Petra Jordan, so I had to buy a new one.
This morning my IT guy said “ did you start up you new iPhone already”
Oooopsie, now everything works perfect!!!
I streamed by Bluetooth this morning and after Roon worked again, my girlfriend looked at me and said. What a difference!!!
Roon is still the best🙏

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