Just not getting how to select from my own library and Qobuz

Roon Core Machine

Mac, Ventura, 64GB RAM

Networking Gear & Setup Details


Connected Audio Devices

Cambridge Audio MXN10

Number of Tracks in Library

140k tracks

Description of Issue

I imported my local library into Roon and I also signed up for Qobuz. So far so good. If I click on home, I get a listing of all my records and tracks. Let’s say I select “The Beatles.” It says 131 albums. I can click on one and play it.

If I click on Qobuz and then select “The Beatles.” It also says I have 131 albums and nor does it just give me the Qobuz Flac versions. If I click on one, it’s more likely to come from my home library.

In another instance, I looked in my library for Daydream by Lovin’ Spoonful. It came up and I could play it. but when I clicked on Qobuz to play it, it also played the version from my own collection. So is it saying that Qobuz doesn’t have “Daydream.”?

Click on My Library - Albums and you should see your Roon library. It should contain all your local albums plus any Qobuz albums you have linked to Roon. To do that, go into the Qobuz app and favor any you want in your Roon library. They will soon appear in your Roon library. To speed up the process, click Settings - Services - Qobuz Edit - Sync library now.

Or, while in Roon, do a search and you may find what you’re looking for in Qobuz. You can click on Versions and add the best resolution or whatever you want to your Roon library.

Thanks for the response, but I haven’t linked anything in the Qobuz app. It seems to have done it for me.

Qobuz will automatically link all your favored albums to your Roon library. In Roon, click on Albums to see what’s there.

This shocked me also when I first started using Roon, I thought OH crap, they just mixed a bunch of albums in with my local albums, how the heck am I supposed to tell the difference.

Well, I found that using “album focus” to filter on storage location, either local or Tidal (in my case) and then making a bookmark for those views I could easily get a them separated.


I also saw that you can add icons to the album art thumbnails to see info on the albums (where they are from, favorited or not, etc. in “settings/general”:

Once I did that I can see whats what when I select it or Roon plays it for me.



What’s frustrating is that for my collection of Beatles albums, which number around 140, I’ll see just half of them, all of them, some mixed with Qobuz or all mixed. I know it’s something I am doing but for the life of me I can’t figure it out. I’m might try your icons suggestion. Thanks again.

thanks, will try it.

I found that if I had albums in my local library and in Tidal library that it would “hide” the local ones.
Try going to settings\general and turning on “Show hidden tracks and albums”:

Also, check in settings/library under “skipped files” to see if there are any that were skipped during importing.

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