Large Collection (280,000 Tracks) Slow search

I’m pretty sure that search response times are in the Roon logs. It wouldn’t take too much digging to work out typical response times verses those coming back in dog slow time.

Yep I got the same could not connect message as well. Was better when I came back at 23:30ish. But it was taking 15-30 or outright failed at 18.30. They need to sort out this as it does seem their whole server infrastructure is too prone to issues for search or ARC.

Everytime a new build is available, the first thing I do is query one, or two, or three single word titles I usually play from my -local only- collection. Like many others, after some time I get a lot of unrelated results that don’t even include the word I was searching. Then I think “ok, maybe on next version”. The slowness is independent of the OS, size of collection, networking, etc. I’ve tried ALL options over the years and recent months with no clue on the root of the problem. You can have a nice experience now and in ten minutes everything is slow with no evident reason. Like someone asked, what do I expect from a search? At least WHAT ANY OTHER SOFTWARE OFFERS IN A SEARCH: Precision, Speed and Ease of Use. If I see a search box, I expect to see results WHILE I AM WRITING, fast and easy, not needing to go and do additional filterings; I also expect to start hearing the song IMMEDIATELY after pressing play, not one or two or more seconds after that. It is inacceptable that most of us are using Roon on a pretty modern, expensive and powerful hardware, and Netflix, Youtube or any other web service from the other side of the world plays faster than a local, dedicated, powerful, well configured and with no traffic Roon server. Come on Roon, a music manager with unusable search, a music player that doesn’t play exactly after pressing play, is difficult to fall in love with. This should be pretty basic, we shouldn’t be discussing this! I can’t think of any other program today or 20 years ago with this behavior… Roon is great, hope it starts building above our expectations soon.


I’m still on 1.8 so I assume that my searches are not internet dependent. Nonetheless depending on search criteria some searches take longer than others.

Searching for Sakamoto quickly returns Ryuichi Sakamoto.
Searching for Ryuichi stalls with the spinning indicator for almost 20 seconds. My library is ~47k tracks.

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Yes they had internet for the streaming part and local for local files now it’s all internet.

Anyway slowness is back again. Dog slow tonight.

I am also still on 1.8 Legacy.
I tried to replicate your search on Ryuichi Sakamoto. Both took less than 1 second with 240k tracks.
Maybe we use different hardware? I use NUC10i5 with 16GB of RAM running ROCK 1.8 Legacy.

Search has also been dog slow here in Sydney over the last few days. Glad it’s not just me!

M2 Mac Mini with 16GB RAM. Perhaps it’s the web portion of the search on Roon’s end though I have gigabit fibre. If it’s on Roon’s end it may be localized over various distributed web services.

Returned in a couple of seconds ?

No, almost instantaneous, in less than a second. It would show up as the first item as I was typing the word “Sakam” or “Ryui”.

I record my search below from my iPad and Android phone.

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10secs here.

Under 2 seconds for me too. I also tried searching for a bandmate listed in his bio and that came back just as quickly.

EDIT: Tidal only and Sakamoto is in my local library already.

During typing, when was at sakam it came right away (here in Amsterdam)
…and no, I never searched for that artist before.

same 2 or 3 seconds

Checking logs it’s giving me returns at just over 5 secs for anything. Feels longer though

Last night much longer and would take a while to load the album page to.

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Not sure how to read the logs or what response time is the correct one as this last search takes ages and yet shows as 1sec in log.

Me neither but it is probably several searches in parallel to different services, so not easy to say how this impacts the end user experience. Your video looked like 5 seconds ish. Depends when you start the count.

Do you have Tidal and Qobuz ? I wonder if one is slower maybe

I have only Tidal, that artist isn’t in my local files

just Qobuz and my 1000+ cd collection ripped of which this band is part of.