Latest update problems

Informed by Roon of the latest update I updated. What a mistaka to maka!! It stopped Roon from loading up on all my devices! It’s taken me the best part of a day to reinstall Roon on all my devices. Get my DSM to reconnect with the Roon core and get everything back working as it should do. That’s the last time I do an update!

Be prepared to be constantly nagged by the software to do an update when it next becomes available.

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Hey @Larry_Armitstead,

Thanks for taking a moment to let us know about your experience with the latest update. We’re very very sorry :sweat:

While we do recommend keeping Roon updated, if you’d rather wait a while to avoid any instability, you can have Roon ask you for permission before any updates. You can set this by following the instructions in this article:

3 posts were split to a new topic: Roon DB issues during update?