Stop with hires and buy it
Two weeks on the trot getting Easter eggs sounds like a good plan
General rehearsal for next week
You optimistic views are mostly welcomed.
Straight strong black coffee is my get up and go choice
And going through some new releases
Well JUMP (pun intended) to it and get some choc eggs.
Be great for the kids to have sugar rush 2 weeks in a row.
Thankfully I’m at work for the next 2 weeks of school holidays. SWMBO pulled the short straw this time.
After a brief counselling session with the little cherubs, they’re happy to wait until next Sunday for mass chocolate rushes.
I don’t mind an espresso but I need the quantity as I always wake up with a thirst. It has chocolate on top as well, just because I like chocolate .That cup is double a normal mug size
A shower wakes me up. I don’t need caffeine
I need to invent a coffee shower, combine the two.
Nice of your children to counsel you.
Counsel is one those words that even though you spell it correctly it still looks as though it isn’t, or is it just me?
Yep, got that headache everyday with the kids.
My twins are 6 and they spell words as they sound. Which I agree with, but the dictionary and teachers don’t.
My eldest has dyslexia and dyscalculia and it’s tricky.
That’s a bit too heavy this early on Sunday
This is just about right
Very true I spent most of the night Ripping my SACD’s.
So this is getting a play through the Mini-i Pro 3 now out through the RCA out’s and into a nice little Onkyo amp into a pair of B&W Book shelf speakers.
I listen mostly through the speakers at the moment as it is now in my Man Cave and I have another Headphone Amp on my desk as well (first world problems I know).
I think @Rob_DeMillo is right, it is the best value all in one Roon ready streaming pre amp/DAC/head amp on the market, although admittedly I just made the market much smaller with all the extras