Great run of posts to there Martin, especially for men of a certain age
(He might be back by then and start hiding your posts)
After 6 hours sleeping I’d had hoped to regenerate my .
Alas, I’m out already
Do you mean this happy chappy. He looks happier than King Charles III did yesterday. God save the King.
I imagine that I won’t last long today after my largesse yesterday, taking me back to the days when I was out every few hours (which was only a few weeks ago after all)
I blame the coronation, even though I didn’t watch it
Cheers Michael!
It’s not often I get a chance to listen into the wee hours. Really enjoyed it for a change!
Is that Gene Wilder playing him in a Biopic
For me it’s a great time to enjoy music in one’s own company and without other distractions.
It’s normally when I pop on a few 80s vinyl and have a thoroughly enjoyable listening session
That might actually be spinning after this, though I am planning a cleaning session this afternoon and maybe it should wait until then
(And Duran Duran self titled has always remained a great album no matter what the detractors said)
(This one is the recent remaster though not the original)
That’s the bloke, my “other half” has seen him live on two occasions, she’s still in recovery
From his annoying smile I bet
Nice haul there Paul.
I have just finished my last bottle of plantation (Stiggins fancy) and another will soon be ordered. It’s very good stuff, but I still have 5 bottles of Rum to work through
I think invites need sending out…