You bought amp & speakers and the man cave has only 5? you need to pile more
Well the hard alcohol cupboard is actually full as I have 4 bottles of Whisky as well and my wife’s Gin. We will manage on that for a little while
No. He does not need more stock of liquid courage. He’ll just end up buying more gear
I"m 100% sure he does not need liquid courage to buy more gear maybe liquid courage to stop buying gear. He can try, for me + or - liquid courage I still buy gear Oh but I forgot he has to buy records also
I never buy anything besides food and more alcohol under the influence
Always buy next day
Another recommendation from @RBO that am trying out and enjoying
I’ve been listening to Xandria’s latest since you recommended it to my yesterday.
Very good
A very fair and equitable exchange of recommendations I must say
I am slowly trying to drag you into the best thread on the forum, and it’s starting to work
It’s a long drive, it’ll be gone before you get here
Great success! (Borat voice)
Off the vinyl train for the moment (and settling in to clean some very staticky ones)
Back on HQPlayer 5 settings train trying to find the perfect sound
Edit : Cleaning aborted due to not having any distilled water, just ordered them from Amazon