I have when I was cycling, got stung on my thigh, it swelled up and ended up having to get the sting cut out at hospital.
HM GOV Labelling regulations require a best before date even though that date is arbitrary in the case of honey. That said the honey you buy in the supermarkets is of a “questionable” quality and when comparing the flavours to local honey the difference is obvious.
Edit. Continuing, honey quality from major “players” varies in content and can depend on the geographical source so BB4 dates may be more relevant.
Bee careful, he’ll get a bee in his bonnet and he may get a bit waspy.
No he won’t…
Right, I’m off out to stand in the rain for an hour watching my eldest football training.
Just the first five words were enough for me to add, before I even saw you had tagged me
Not to sound overly enthusiastic but this is one of the best metal albums I’ve hear in a long time.
There is also a track with Tom Englund of Evergrey.
I can’t this as I am all out, but I have this on cassette and loved it back in the day
I must have been mistaken when I said no more vinyl as this just arrived.at the front door
Good news it will get a play tomorrow, you have built up the hype now
I’m sure we have Bee-n here Bee-fore…
Beeja vu
Sorry guys I am going to have to Beemove myself from this conversation as I have no for the next hour and I only got one back half an hour ago.
Bee at those jokes hard gents
Playing this now.
Very good shout