One Effing I got back after waiting an hour
It must be time to listen to this
What a terrible pun😁
But a good album.
Maybe you will get to see them one final time @Rugby .
I got one for you m8
I’ve regenerated some for now.
What’s with my WiiM Pro
Roon Ready keeps popping up in the settings inside the WiiM home app. Rather weird now.
Edit: now gone again
But it does not pop up as roon ready in roon, right?
Nothing shows yet. Did check the last few experiences.
Hate being teased
Maybe this is a sign ready-ness is closer?
Saw and interview with Enno earlier today and he said to have heard lots of people talking about wiim but stopped short of saying anything else.
Server side tweaks and testing I imagine
There’s also a Roon update just gone live also
I’m like a child in a toy shop
I am also waiting for the day this becomes ready and I get to press check out on my amazon shopping cart
TBH, it’s a cracking device regardless of Roon Ready. Yes it may be the cherry on the cake if it comes.
It works well as a stand-alone device incase my Roon machine goes down.
Hit the button
Great news. I see that the price has gone back up. A coincidence I wonder
Edit: I assumed this was related to the Wiim Pro