Let's talk about what's Moving and Grooving you today [2023-07]

@RodS !!!

This is what an emergency stash of :heart: should be for.
And is also going to get you demoted back to Newbie :face_with_hand_over_mouth::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

He is trying to stop Roon recommending music with naughty covers on. As per earlier post (6314/15) this morning :wink:

It could be worseā€¦ It could have been One Direction :grin:

Are you using a dating website at the same time as Roon :rofl:

I have to run a scan on my system. Maybe there is some kind of trojan installed, which crossposts. :rofl:

Yes but putting a censored image isnā€™t going to help as Roon doesnā€™t know about that :grin:

He is better taking all the nude images and sharing them with us :grin:

But Shrek has an ass in it, so not gonna help šŸ«

You wanted it.


Quick thinking :wink:

Had already some cups of tea and coffee this morning. My mind is sharp. Not so my body. :rofl:

Iā€™ve had 4 coffees so far. That is not a euphemism for anything.

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Did you buy the HomePods recently?

He is an alien, it is what he sleeps in

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Iā€™m nursing my 1st coffee from 2 hours ago :man_facepalming:

OOH :heart: cannot like your post unfortunately.

We all need to raid the Roon offices while they are away this weekend and steel lots of :hearts: :hearts: :hearts:

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My grandma told me ā€œsteam from cold coffee makes you handsomeā€.

you can prove that now.

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Had them for a good few years now. I mainly use them with my Apple TV (pair them for cinema duties :roll_eyes:). Will have two rooms for TV watching.

They arenā€™t audiophile, but the sound is pleasant enough to my ears. The wife is out, hence music not on headphones.

Also, seeing how far one of my UniFi APs reaches, through walls :man_facepalming::thinking:. Thinking I can get by with just 3.

So donā€™t your walls have ears?