Windows 10 (Build 19043.1766)
Intel Core i7-3770K CPU @ 3.50GHz
16.0 GB (15.9 GB usable)
64-bit operating system, x64-based processor
Networking Gear & Setup Details
Wired ethernet, 2 routers, 2 NASs.
Connected Audio Devices
Marantz AV7702 HDMI, ethernet
Number of Tracks in Library
Description of Issue
I have used the trial period to evaluate Roon on my huge collection. It seemed to do well, but I’m now concerned about database limits. I’ve seen a limit of 100,000 tracks mentioned, but mine is larger than that and it seems to work fine. I’ve also read that there is a 10,000 album limit, and I’m very near it (9,397). So what are the maximums exactly? I’ll need to know this before I invest in a subscription and a Nucleus.
There are no hard limits. All depends upon the relation between your hardware and usage patterns… this is, to how many zones do you stream concurrently, what use do you make of of Roon’s DSP ability, etc.
The 100.000 tracks limit is an estimation of what the Nucleus can manage well, before the user may notice a performance degradation and may be better served by a Nucleus Plus. If you run your Core on another platform, this does not directly apply.
The 10.000 albums limit is what Tidal imposes as limit of albums being stored into the Roon database. This has nothing to do with any performance limitation of Roon or the Roon database.
I run my Core on a custom-built PC with an Intel Core i5-8600K processor and 16 GB RAM running Ubuntu server. I as of today have 228.000 tracks indexed in my Roon database. I don’t use DSP and normally stream to one zone only. No performance problems whatsoever.
Thank you for getting in touch, and welcome to Community! We’re happy to have you.
As @Andreas_Philipp1 mentioned, 100,000 tracks is a rough estimate of the total number of tracks that a base model Nucleus can accommodate. We don’t limit the total number of tracks you can have in Roon. TIDAL does have a limit of 10,000 albums per library.
This image from our Nucleus details page in the Roon Store provides a rough guide to recommended Nucleus platforms based on library size, total number or zones, and DSP use scenarios.
If you have specific questions you can use the chat function in the Roon Store, or ask your questions here. Thanks!