Thanks, but still get buggy UI.
Funny that all Linux users expect and search around for some GUI… I couldn’t believe there is no web frontend whatsoever before finding those old threads here. I’m a where-did-I-put-my-phone kind of person and need lightning fast access to mute on my playback PC. Sure, killall does the job too or… having alsamixergui -c1 open and press m for mute. Linux users are expected to find a way!
We did, it’s called roon-on-wine
Since Roon on Wine works, there is no need for that, but another alternative is to run Windows VM on Linux PC hosting Roon Server and run GUI there ?
Why? I would expect that Roon Server running in a VM is (much) slower than running it native on Linux. Running the Roon Control (UI) in Wine is fine, and probably more lightweight then a complete Windows VM.
PS: Did anyone ever try to use the Server part of Roon on Wine or installing Windows Roon Server package in Wine?
I think you didn’t understand my post.
Server on Linux, GUI on VM, both on 1 PC.
It won’t work unless you pass a gpu to the vm, Roon gui uses gpu accelerated rendering
@BlackJack there is really no point in running windows server on Wine. The linux server is really the same .NET binary running under Mono
+1 On request for Linux Remote. If the framework is Mono, the effort is not as big as a full-on Native/gnome/GTK/or even QT based client. Of course I understand it is still effort. The devil is in the details, of course.
Let me try another tack here - GUILT!
Yes indeed - many companies benefit from the OpenSource movement. Imagine if Roon had to pay to license an OS to run on their Nucleus. Not to mention development tools and infrastructure - all available as Open Source.
Dear Roon:
Do you use Linux in Nucleus? isn’t it great that you don’t have to pay a license to QNX or companies like that?
How about git? Do you use git for development? isn’t it great you don’t have to pay for PVCS or something like that?
Development tools and libraries? Some of us are old enough to remember the Programmer’s Paradise catalog - remember that? For the young ones, you won’t believe this. You used to have TO PAY for development tools. That catalog was for a company that SOLD libraries, frameworks, compilers, IDEs. OpenSource made them (unfortunate for them, I will admit) OBSOLETE. Even in the embedded space, more and more toolkits are Eclipse or even VSCode based. Isn’t it great not having to pay all that?
What OS do you run in your servers? Isn’t it great not to have to pay Windows Server licenses? Do you remember what a Unix (real unix) license used to cost?
And I could go on. Roon backend runs on Linux because is convenient for Roon. That is great - my guess is that’s what it was all about.
How about the Linux Remote ? Something that is convenient for the Linux Desktop User (as opposed to convenient for the company) as a way of giving back to the community that has given so much to Roon and many other companies?
just sayin’
Roon Desktop works fine under Wine, for what it’s worth. I do agree that a Linux client would be awesome though.
The main shortcoming of the Wine approach is it doesn’t see any audio devices on the computer, but you can get around that by also running a local Roon bridge or core, depending on your setup.
This works fine with two small caveats. First one is that local Roon bridge has to be configured as public zone which means other Roon users will be able to see and manipulate it. The second one is that there is not builtin mechanism for starting and stopping roonbridge whenever Roon gui is started. Starting it would be relatively easy (set systemd service to manual start and then add systemctl start roonbridge.service to Roon.desktop file) but stopping it after Roon gui is closed would be DE/WM specific and require subscribing to window events.
You could start the desktop app as a systemd user scope and then bind the bridge service to that scope. When the scope exits, the bridge service will stop.
Probably more trouble than it’s worth though
I agree it works most of the time fine with wine, but a native linux version would be so much better. If Jriver can do it, why should Roon not?
Same reason that bugs become Roon features when they only affect a minority… economics.
It’s not a question of whether they can do it, it’s a question of whether they can spare the resources for a feature a very small subset of the userbase would use.
Correction: local roon bridge and roon gui running in Wine are now recognized as a single machine therefore the local roonbridge can be set as a private zone. Not sure whether this was changed in 1.8 or earlier but it works now.
it is great that it works under Wine - HOWEVER NOT THE POINT!
Don’t you think that the Arch Developers would LOVE TO HAVE A NATIVE LINUX REMOTE? After all they allow you to not to have to license an OS for the Nuclei !
Do right by them! Make the port!
Unsure what the implication here is, but Nucleus is not based on Arch Linux in any way.
Hi Danny!
HA - An educated guess! - Implication is very straightforward and open - trying to guilt Roon into doing the native Linux Remote! !
From reading the thread I see that a regular request won’t work - there are market/economic considerations you are thinking about - how do you beat that? change the argument ! New argument: making it a moral imperative! - just an strategy! See if I can get you to do the port.
But it is true - Linux has been a boon to appliance makers - no more OS license fees for companies like Roon - imagine having to add an OS license fee to the cost of the Nuclei - and is better than QNX or Windows embedded or whatever else is out there (does anybody remember?)
GNUStep is built on the same stuff as Cocoa, we can run XIB files from the mac version in Linux. Unless Roon is alrady SwiftUI, it would be nice to have an NextStep based interface for linux.
Not sure how this is pushing to make Roon port the UX.
I have seen their OS at a low level and this was not a spinoff, You can tell Roon spent some serious time on ROCK (ROON OS)
Because they are following industry standards does not obligate them to change their road map.
At any rate, one has nothing to do with the other.
I’ll just keep asking nicely, and hoping that one day it will happen.