Linux Roon Control GUI Please [not on roadmap, you may try to use Wine]

+1 On request for Linux Remote. If the framework is Mono, the effort is not as big as a full-on Native/gnome/GTK/or even QT based client. Of course I understand it is still effort. The devil is in the details, of course.


Let me try another tack here - GUILT! :smiley:

Yes indeed - many companies benefit from the OpenSource movement. Imagine if Roon had to pay to license an OS to run on their Nucleus. Not to mention development tools and infrastructure - all available as Open Source.

Dear Roon:

  • Do you use Linux in Nucleus? isn’t it great that you don’t have to pay a license to QNX or companies like that?

  • How about git? Do you use git for development? isn’t it great you don’t have to pay for PVCS or something like that?

  • Development tools and libraries? Some of us are old enough to remember the Programmer’s Paradise catalog - remember that? For the young ones, you won’t believe this. You used to have TO PAY for development tools. That catalog was for a company that SOLD libraries, frameworks, compilers, IDEs. OpenSource made them (unfortunate for them, I will admit) OBSOLETE. Even in the embedded space, more and more toolkits are Eclipse or even VSCode based. Isn’t it great not having to pay all that?

  • What OS do you run in your servers? Isn’t it great not to have to pay Windows Server licenses? Do you remember what a Unix (real unix) license used to cost?

And I could go on. Roon backend runs on Linux because is convenient for Roon. That is great - my guess is that’s what it was all about.


How about the Linux Remote ? Something that is convenient for the Linux Desktop User (as opposed to convenient for the company) as a way of giving back to the community that has given so much to Roon and many other companies?

just sayin’
