Listen Later: Early Access Feedback

maybe I‘m doing something wrong, but the LL button doesn‘t show on my Ipad or on my phone.
It does show in ARC, but the LL list isn‘t populated when I press it.

I really like the concept, though! Great idea!

OK, I found the other thread. A reboot of server and remotes fixed my issues.

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Not that I can give feedback as I left EA some time ago, but I am certainly looking forward to testing this feature out when it hits production.

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Hi @mike,

this morning I had the same playback problem. One item still in queue but ARC stated „nothing to play“ after moving from home WiFi to cellular. So at least for me the issue is not resolved.

A couple of glitches or mistakes on my part…

On Android I seem to have problems removing a played item from Listen Later. The X doesn’t work, and Roon seems to think it’s not in Listen Later, despite showing it there…

Also, the behaviour when selecting multiple items in Listen Later is not as I’d expect - there doesn’t seem any way of selecting multiples, except individually (unlike, say, the playlist section where one can shift-click and a select all/none menu option also appears).

not part of the EA userbase, but just wanted to say that I’m looking very much forward to the implementation! This is a great feature for the diggers, explorers and collectors among us.


No sign of it on my system, I’ve rebooted Roon twice and the server once! Has this been released in the UK yet!

Yes it has. Try rebooting your server once again.

Thanks Geoff, do you know what the Roon version is, I’m on 1490

I’ve been unable to remove the played album in the screenshot below - either using the ‘Clear all played option’ or the three dots. It looks like it has been removed, but not from the list. Anyone else seen this?

There’s your problem - you must be on build 1492 for both client and server…


Thanks for posting. To be clear, the X button on the right next to the three dots does not remove the Album “J5” from the played part of the Listen Later list?

That is correct.

Hello. Adding a Qobuz album to my library, then removing it then adding it to listen later and it does not show in the list. The listen later icon is visible on the Qobuz list and album page though.

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Yes, same problem as me (see further up)…I’m also finding the opposite, like @Loup, that is not all albums added actually appear in the list.

And because 1492 has only been released for Early Access testing, you would have to switch all your devices to Early Access.

Or wait two weeks or so until it is released in Production (which you are using).

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As much as I love this feature, and can’t wait to see it fully working, it still does seem quite buggy…along with not being able to remove played items, and not being able to add some items, I also have the same item appearing in both played and unplayed…

I can’t find the listen later feature???
I have restarted more than twice. Running ROCK on NUC.
Could someone help me out here?

You are running the Production builds of Roon - the Listen Later feature is currently only in the Early Access builds. You can either wait until it is released to Production or switch to the Early Access programme for early access to this feature.

A few posts up:

I’ve downloaded the early access version and I still don’t have the LL feature. My About page shows my Roon software as build 1497. My Nucleus One is build 1490 so perhaps that’s the issue.