Log Entry: OHNet Error (FYI)

Core Machine (Operating system/System info/Roon build number)

macOS 10.15.5, Roon 1.7, Build 571

Network Details (Including networking gear model/manufacturer and if on WiFi/Ethernet)

Core / client running on the same Mac
No OpenHome / Linn devices at all, but a couple of Ropieee driven Raspis and a Google Cast capable ShieldTV are on the same network.

Audio Devices (Specify what device you’re using and its connection type - USB/HDMI/etc.)


Description Of Issue

Wasn’t looking for it but found this in the Roon.log:

07/02 21:36:04 Error: Error in thread pool work item: OpenHome.Net.ControlPoint.ProxyError: 1:Unknown
  at OpenHome.Net.ControlPoint.Proxies.CpProxyLinnCoUkVolkano1.SyncProductId (System.String& aProductNumber) [0x00027] in <b180f788392f42939ac037c616fe6e24>:0 
  at Sooloos.Broker.Transport.SongcastDirectDevice+<>c__DisplayClass79_0.<Initialize>b__1 (Sooloos.CallingThread _) [0x0000d] in <b180f788392f42939ac037c616fe6e24>:0 
  at Sooloos.CallingThread+<>c__DisplayClass10_0.<DoThreadPoolWork>b__0 (System.Object <p0>) [0x00000] in <0407f3167ebe4a2f91034128fcaa1cbb>:0 
07/02 21:36:04 Trace: [devicedb] [autodetect] No Match for DeviceAutodetectData[Type=Linn Vendor=Baseflow Model=RoPieeeModel]
07/02 21:36:04 Warn: [songcast] OpenHome device does not support songcast direct

I suppose since it’s called Error it shouldn’t be there. It doesn’t seem to create any trouble for me but since I’ve noticed it I thought I let you know. :slight_smile:

Hey @anon47919701,

Thanks for the report!
What do you see as your Linn subnet under Roon Settings -> Setup?
Does that match your actual subnet?

Yes, it does.

Update: the Error doesn’t get logged when the Ropieee clients have their OpenHome support turned off. So it may be something which just happens when non-Linn OH renderers are present on the network.

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Thanks for the information @anon47919701!

Which version/model of Ropieee are you using?

2.535 stable, XL version

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