Login Fails Network error: Please check your internet connection

Hi, was in the process of moving my core from Windows 10 to a Sonic Transporter and now I cannot login to Roon from the Roon applications (Windows, iPhone) and I get that network error, although there is internet access.

I can login to Roon on the Roon website,

Assuming that you’ve connected to Roon via a remote and you’re being presented with a login screen? Or can you connect and you’re getting this error in settings > account?

Either way… try this:

Use the sonic transporter web gui to navigate to the apps page (I think). In there you should see a selection to stop and start Roon Server.

Stop Roon Server (don’t reboot the sonic transporter)
count to 10
Start Roon Server
count to 10
Stop Roon Server (yes, again)
count to 10
Start Roon Server (yes, again)

There’s a glitch in the linux implementation that is impacting some users (me included). This approach (stopping and starting the Roon Server code twice) has been a 100% fix for me. Don’t ask me why this works, but it does.

Wow, that works indeed. I am now running the core on the Sonic Transporter. Very weird. But it works. Thanks Andrew!

You will have a similar error and/or a Tidal login error every time you restart your Sonic Transporter. Just do the double-roon-restart again and all will be back to normal.

This issue is reportedly fixed in 1.3 and that should be out soon.

3 posts were merged into an existing topic: Tidal won’t login after latest roon update

Did you stop and start Roon on the ST twice in succession?

That’s exactly the same scenario and error messages that I’ve been seeing on two separate Linux installs. The double restart has been a 100% fix for me (to the point that I’ve added those commands to my daily backup script and haven’t seen the error since).

I’m going to flag @support to let them know.