Lost most of my cover art

Hi Dan, I had a problem with disappearing art on my remotes with builds 233 and 234. Core is on a MacMini. Rolling back the core to build 217 completely solved it.


Hi Ruud, is there any trick to removing Roon other than deleting it? I’d want to hold onto my playlists.

PS - where does one find 217? I see 216.


More art is disappearing.

Hi Dan,

I did not remove Roon. I just installed build 217 over build 234 on the core machine and chose for “replace” during installation. Tags and playlists are not affected.
I still had an old dmg of build 217 in the download folder of my laptop.
I will carefully maintain an archive of Roon build dmgs from now on so I can rollback whenever a new build breaks something, like now with the remote art.

By the way, all my art is still there on the remotes after last night.


Guys, downgrading your Build 234 Core database to a build from months ago is a colossally bad idea.

Not only does it put your database through a migration that we have never (and will never) test internally, but it also makes it harder for us to gather reliable information from the 2 or 3 systems in the world experiencing this issue.

If we now find information in your logs or database that helps us understand why your systems are performing differently from everyone else, how do we know whether that’s related to the Build 234 upgrade process (which was heavily tested by our QA team), or to the unsupported database downgrade? Or to something unique about the environment Roon is running in? Unfortunately, the downgrade makes debugging the issue even harder. :weary:

I had mentioned to @Ruud_Verrijk elsewhere that we do not recommend downgrading to an older version. Since that happened anyway and was shared here as “a fix”, I’ve now unlisted the thread, so others don’t get the wrong impression and cause any damage.

@Ruud_Verrijk – if you have a backup from prior to the downgrade, I would suggest reverting to it. As I mentioned previously, if you have a backup from prior to Build 234, that would actually be an interesting test.

@Dan_Schwartz @antonio_angel_perdom We are continuing to look into this issue for you guys as well. Apologies if you’ve already shared this information with Eric, but can you both confirm whether you’re missing cover art on your Core machine, all your remotes, some of your remotes, or everywhere?


Everywhere. Core and remotes.

A post was split to a new topic: Database Rollback

@support @mike

No, I didn’t do the downgrade. And it’s missing on both the Core machine and remotes. But its in the folder, as with all the albums that have the art showing up.