Lost my Roon Core connection

Roon Core Machine

Windows 10 pro on NUC NUC8i7HVK1

Networking Gear & Setup Details

Firewalla Gold firewall and router. The NUC is connected by ethernet. I am using a VPN- Nord pass

Connected Audio Devices

The NUC is connected to a SoTM Ultra and that is connected to a Benchmark DAC by USB. I can take the Ultra out and just connect the NUC to the DAC.

Number of Tracks in Library

6,000 tracks give or take

Description of Issue

I installed the Roon Core on the NUC a few months ago because another server I was using got hit with Ransomware as did a QNAP NAS. The Roon core was working great and I was connecting to it from the Roon remote on my iPad. Now the remote cannot find the core. On the task manager on the NUC the Roon is enabled at start up and set it up for auto logon. When I look in the system tray however Roon Core is not present. I do not know if that makes a difference or not.

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