M4A Apple Lossless File showing as audio stream format not supported

Roon supports m4a files. I just played several on my system.

How did you create these files? Did you rip them yourself?

Convert your m4a to apple lossless. They will play ALAC in Room.


Looks like it is recognizing some of the mp4s.

Checking individual albums now.

So I just ripped an album using XLD to m4a and it plays just fine:

This is all incorrect. Roon plays Apple Lossless with extension .m4a just fine.

m4a is just a container that can be used for either aac or alac files.

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I have no issues playing aac or alac in the m4a container in Roon.

My Roon core is running on a Synology NAS with the latest 1.8 release. I can’t play my .m4a files. Is there something I need to install first?

Yes, assuming you are using Linux core then you need to install ffmpeg before/after installing Roon server. Please check the install directions. Does that fix the symptoms?

See here


Roon will not play any files that have Apple DRM so downloaded lossless from Apple Music won’t play only Apple Music can play those. But DRM free should have no issues.