MacBook Pro Roon Update Fails

I have a Roon Nucleus, when following settings->about, I see that I am running version 2.0 (build 1462), I have the latest version installed. Also I access Roon through two iPhones and two iPads all of which are version 2.0 (build 1462) the latest version installed.

However on my MacBook Pro, the settings->about tells me I have version 2.0 (build 1388) and automatically begins to download an update. When the update bar reaches about 75% I get an error message

error checking for update.

This happens every time. Can someone advise how I could break the cycle here?
Does it even matter?

Steven Bond

Hi @Steven_Bond,

This can happen where there’s a problem with Roon communicating with Roon’s updated servers.

I’d suggest a reboot of the Mac and failing that perform a manual update by visiting …

And then just downloading and install Roon right over the top of the existing installation.

Hello Carl, thank you for responding. I have rebooted my mac , which didn’t make a difference so I followed your link and clicked on the download for Mac option. I had downloaded a file ‘Roon-30.dmg’ and attempted to open it. I received a ‘safari can’t resume this download’ - the file ‘’ doesn’t appear to be a valid download file. Still on the hamster wheel !


Sorry to hear that :frowning:

I’m not a Mac user, however, using Google Chrome on Windows I was able to download the Roon installer for Mac from Roon’s site.

However, the file was named “Roon.dmg” (file size 401,942 KB) not “roon-30.dmg”, I think something may be blocking the download and preventing it from completing on your Mac … but I’ll have to hand that over to other that are more familiar with Macs.

I hope it’s resolved soon for you.

Hi @Steven_Bond,
Thanks for reaching out to us about this issue. The below steps should get you to the current build.

  • Create a Backup of your current database
  • Exit out of Roon
  • Navigate to your Roon Database Location
  • Find the folder that says “Roon”
  • Rename the “Roon” folder to “Roon_old”
  • Reinstall the Roon App from our Downloads Page to generate a new Roon folder
  • Verify if the issue persists on a fresh database before restoring the backup

Hello Carl, I picked up on your idea of downloading using google chrome rather than safari- and it worked straight away ! Thank you for your guidance - I love it when a plan comes together.



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Hello Daniel, before attempting your solution I tried Carl’s idea of downloading the Roon app using google chrome rather than safari. It worked! I have absolutely no idea why but it may become an issue for others.


Great I’m glad Roon is working for you now!

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