macOS Catalina’s new security model broke Roon - how does this happen?

Core Machine (Operating system/System info/Roon build number)

MacBook Air Catalina

Network Details (Including networking gear model/manufacturer and if on WiFi/Ethernet)


Audio Devices (Specify what device you’re using and its connection type - USB/HDMI/etc.)

FireWire connection to MyBook external HD

Description Of Issue

I just downloaded the Roon software and tried to point it to my external Drive and got the message “Error Loading Folder - Unauthorized” – it appears that it can locate and open some stray (accidental) music folders actually on my laptop hard drive, but it cannot connect with the external drive. Thoughts?

There’s a problem with Catalina at the moment and usb external drives. A fix is being developed.

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OK thank you

Yes Roon have to fix the bug as soon as possible, but they are not liable for your actions.

OS updates are continuous. SW developers are either in the flow or not.

Another very fine product I used before Roon was Pure Music® Version 3 (PM) by Channel D. Rob knew ahead of time that PM would not function properly with Catalina and posted the relevant information everyone needed. They even identified and discussed the issues related to it. (See: This is the type of communication that might have prevented what we are experiencing with Roon.

I’m projecting, but from what I have experienced with Roon and their support team, Roon appears to have been developed primarily for MS Windows; the OS X version might be supported by outside contractors? Hence, the lack of communication and delay. At least from my viewpoint, OS X expertise within Roon seems to be lacking.

I’m not suggesting they are liable for my actions…my complaint is the lack of any timely communication regarding upgrading. Read Mark’s reply above…that’s the sort of communication I’m looking for. And not getting…

I take your point Mark, but whether it is supported by internal or external contractors we all have paid the same price for it and therefore should get the same level of service.

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Someone from Roon needs to give us a status update on the threads, by email and as a banner alert on the Roon UI. This is ridiculous.

Where are we with a fix?

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I agree 100%. There should be zero difference.

I too upgraded to Catalina and waited patiently for approximately 10 days for a fix. Have subsequently downgraded back to Mojave which was a royal pain. At this point in time Roon and iTunes are functioning correctly on iMac with external hard drive. Have no intention of going to Catalina until stable with both ITunes and Roon.

Core Machine (Operating system/System info/Roon build number)
Mac OS Catalina

Network Details (Including networking gear model/manufacturer and if on WiFi/Ethernet)


Audio Devices (Specify what device you’re using and its connection type - USB/HDMI/etc.)

Streaming to Portable HD plater via Roon core

Description Of Issue

Cannot access external HD disks in Roon after upgrading to Mac OS Catalina.
It has been well over a week, when are you going to correct this problem?

There won’t be any iTunes in Catalina. Apple replaced it with the Music app.

FIRST - Quit blaming the manufacturer of the Operating System. It’s impossible for the OS developers to make their system compatible with the (literally) thousands of applications that run on it. This isn’t an opinion, it’s a fact. Therefore (like it or not) it’s up to the application developers to ensure that their software runs on the current version of the operating system. If the app developers can’t do that, then they’ve no reason to be in business. None.

SECOND - Quit blaming the consumers for updating their OS. The updates provided by Apple and Microsoft are recommended for very good reasons. To delay installing an update is to invite malware and other problems. Like it or not, consumers WILL continue to update their operating systems as soon as release (not beta) operating system updates become available.

THIRD - And probably most important, quit trying to excuse software developers (in this case, Roon) who ignore OS compatibility problems until after an OS is released. The developer kits for OS updates are available well in advance of the final OS release. To delay incompatibility issue development until AFTER the release of an OS is treating the customers in VERY bad faith, and ought to be criminal.

My suggestion of filing a class-action suit was NOT hyperbole. If you count the number of users who are now paying for software that they can’t use due to Roon’s negligence, and multiply it by the amount that Roon is charging us all in the interim for non-functioning software, we’re talking a LOT of time and some BIG money. This is cash that Roon is pocketing without offering any service in return.

The myriad complaints will accomplish nothing unless Roon also gets a bloody nose to focus their attention. And nothing gets a company’s attention more than punitive damages.

Apple users will continue to be ignored and abused by Roon until we force Roon to treat us as valued customers instead of cash cows. Since Roon continues to ignore us, I suggest we get out the two-by-four and get the mule’s attention.

Glenn Young


Insofar I can understand your post, I can agree with most of it and Roon could do beter in handling this. But to say it’s criminal is a bridge too far for me as well as to start a class-action suit. It’s software to play music, it is not a matter of life and death.

Whilst I completely agree with your first and third points and partially agree on your second.
This world we now live in of class action suits sickens me, good old US of A.

I personally think you will destroy Roon if you go down that path, they are a very small company.
That would not benefit any of us that enjoy using Roon.

I am a Mac user and will hopefully never have to swap to anything by Microsoft but I learnt when I upgraded my iMac from Panther to Tiger on the first release never to do that again as it broke most of the software packages that I used at the time. Photoshop never works properly until a couple of months after a new MacOS is released, it still has compatibility issues with Catalina as does Lightroom.

For many years I worked in engineering on CATIA for Rover, BMW, Airbus and UK Atomic Energy. Not one of those companies would upgrade an operating system until the software we ran was fully tested on it and that was UNIX and Windows. Why would you upgrade software that is mission critical until you Have found out whether it works properly on the OS you are running it on.

I am still running Mojave on my MacPro and most definitely will not upgrade until the software I use has been tested on Catalina.

I am not making excuses for Roon as I said I agree with most of what you say but I think you are letting your anger get the better of you.

I do think Roon should have been much much pro-active in their communication with custumers about OS upgrades.

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I agree with both Glen and Paul…We, as Mac users are paying for a service that we cannot use and haven’t been able to use for a number of weeks. However, It is just software to play music on…that said, it costs $100 dollars a year, more or less and that’s also not small potatoes so I think some gesture has to be made by Roon. I’ve been a customer for two years and both years have had problems with the Mac updates…that’s just not on. And again, despite all thses words from both disgruntled users and the forum apologists…there has been no word whatsoever from Roon…can we have some sort of update from them, as to what is happening with the software and when we can expect to be able to use it again.

Yes, fully agreed.

I am utterly surprised and deeply disappointed by Roonlabs on how they handle this seemingly a trivial issue.

It’s software that a LOT of good money has been paid for and that has ceased to deliver its promised functionality.

I stand by my comments.

You get a free month added to your lifetime subscription.

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I don’t have a lifetime but yeah, I get your point.