Majiscule I is being used for miniscule i

As you can see in the screen shot, the letter i is being replaced with I in every instance in your interface. A curious blemish on a lovely face.

No change since my previous reports: Mac Mini CORE Windows 10 Client, all on current releases. Screen resolution is 1920 x 1080.

noticed the very same but… I believe the actual issue is the font Roon is using: “i” and “l” look almost identical :frowning:

unfortunately, for bold fonts on non-hi-dpi screens, the auto-hinter for opentype is not doing well on that i.

this is a really terrible problem since it is only this way on low-dpi screens.


As I say - it is an unsightly blemish on a lovely face.
1920x1080 is low-res in the Roon design model?
Thank you for the response.

DPI/PPI is what makes the difference here, not resolution. My wife’s phone has 1080x1920, the pixel density allows for a much nicer curve and spacing between the stem and the dot of the “i”.

190-200dpi is reasonable… 200+ is great, 300+ looks like a great quality glossy magazine page.

so, for 1920x1080 to be 200dpi, you need a screen that is 11 inches diagonal.

I don’t know what size your screen is, but a 15 inch screen at 1920x1080 is 146, which means 20/20 vision can still see the pixels at normal viewing distance.

and, I guess, Roon using a different font is not an option, right? :frowning:

We switched over to using Google’s Noto font in preparation for massive multi-platform internationalization. Consistency in font faces across multiple scripts is key to making that work nicely.

The problem is that while Noto is Opentype (a far better font standard than Truetype), the hinter we use is clearly not as good (harfbuzz - the same as Chromimum) at lower DPI.

This problem is made worse by the fact that use synthetic boldness to avoid shipping another 40MB of bold fonts. Our synthetic bolding is also weaker than the full 700 weight bold for print, which makes this problem less bad, but still not as good as a properly hinted font without synthetic bolding.

There seems to have been some recent advancements in the hinter, so maybe we can take advantage of that. I will take a look as soon as 1.3 is out the door, but I can’t promise anything here.

Also note that we can’t use subpixel rendering due to tablets and phones that often have their displays rotated 90 degrees from the subpixel LCD elements. Check out the fonts on an iPad or a high DPI android tablet, or a retina Macbook, or any 4k Windows laptop… they are beautiful.

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thank you Danny

unfortunately I need (… and own) a 17" laptop but Apple is not making one anymore :angry:
I can’t, nor I do want to, change it for a super-sharp 12" sold as 15" :rolling_eyes:


That sounds uncomfortably close to technological elitism: we all need 4k screens to use a computer or suffer the ugly consequences. Really? I could understand advanced processors for iPads but ugly screens because we do not use the latest technology?

I expect your model is that the user interface is really for high DPI mobile devices. Perhaps that should be more clear? Great product, great looks, high maintenance :slight_smile:

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@danny … just found the font Roon is using has much worse issues than just the “i/l” one: here’s how “Davíð Þór Jónsson” looks (had to check I didn’t indeed forgot spaces and accents :expressionless: )

actually that’s just a bug in the renderer when you have unicode combining characters… it’s been fixed, and i think @mike is about to push out a new build because of new android version that is causing issues, and i squeezed this into it.

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bummer! :cry:


thank you Danny :slight_smile:

Please consider to add those 40 MB for the bold font. The bad rendering of the “i” drives me crazy on my old iMac.

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