Core: Prime Conputer PrimeMini5
Remote: Samsung Tablet
(everything worked fine for a long time until recently.)
Networking Gear & Setup Details
Connected Audio Devices
Number of Tracks in Library
Description of Issue
When I was demonstrating Roon to a friend, I wanted to increase volume a little bit. But volume control ran up to 100% by itself, within about 10 seconds. This could not be interrupted by pressing “volume -” or anything else.
This tended to blow away our ears and crash my end device speakers. I could only run to switch off the end device within a few seconds. Couldn´t use Roon thereby for a few days.
The end device with which this happend was a Naim Muso 2. However when I switched output to any other end device, immediately after starting playing, the volume control also runs to 100%. I could not find a way to avoid this.
Additionally the problem is that when I switch on the Naim after this event, it is still adjusted to 100% volume, even if Roon is not playing to this device. So any other signal (e.g. internal internet radio) starts on maximum volume (my wife was so shocked by this that she spoiled the coffee over the floor…).
It is possible that manual reduction of the volume setting on the Naim interrupted the Roon-internal problem, and suddenly volume control operates again as usual.
This is the second time that this problem occurs. After the first event 2-3 weeks ago I updated Roon on all devices, but obviously the problem was not solved. I am aware that a complex system as Roon has some software bugs - but volume running to max is possibly the worst thing that can happen!!! I am not sure if my Naim (and, even worse, my ears) have not suffered damage from that!
I think it is obvious that I was not able to convince my fried of the benefits of Roon… Currently I hardly dare to use Roon, since it seems this can occur again any time.
You are not alone. I have experienced this exact same issue several times with my Bluesound Node 2i while using the Roon volume control, you can reduce the volume if you catch it just right, but as soon as you remove your finger from the control it starts cruising toward max volume again. When I go to adjust the volume, I make sure I am able to hit pause just in case the volume starts increasing. I have only experienced this when using the Roon volume control, it has never happened using the Node 2i volume control. I have gone into Roon’s Zone Settings, Device Info, Volume Limits and set the Comfort limit to 50 and the Safety limits to 70 until this gets sorted out.
Do you both by chance use iPhones/iPads as your Roon Remote devices?
If so this workaround with the Shortcuts app and setting an automation works to stop this. It’s worth noting as of iOS 16.4.1 I haven’t seen this happen.
You have probably looked at this but just to check, have you looked in “device Setup\advanced” for the zones affected and “Force max volume at playback start”?
Not sure if this helps but worth looking at? Some of mine are yes, some are no. I did not “set” these myself, Roon did it for me? I think it depends on what Roon detects is connected?
The issue is exactly as described by Stephen Horvath - You can stop the volume increase as long as you push the volume minus button, if you release the button, volume continues to increase towards 100%.
I use an Android tablet as Roon remote, no IPhones/IPads.
This is why I never use app based volume control. I don’t trust it. I set roon to fixed volume and use my avr remote volume control, and even then limit it to -20db max. That has been 100% reliable for me.
The only freakout incidents are when somebody accidentally sits on a remote, and that’s a very rare occurrence.
This happens occasionally for me from the Roon App either on WIndows or Android. Either controlling a Matrix Element X’s volume or even digitally controlling Roon connected to a Pi4.
Sad that I’ve just accepted that it’s likely to occur occasionally. But I cannot consistenty repro.
I have a Nucleus+. This occurred several times before someone suggested this: in Device Setup go to volume control where you’ll see “Device” or “Fixed”De-select whatever is indicated (i.e. Device) in favor of the other option (Fixed). Then Save. Go through same process again. De-select “Fixed” & re-select “Device”. Then Save. That solved a similar problem.