Metadata Improver Error: SonicTransporter

Same happened to me. Reboot did not clear it. SGC I9 server connected by Ethernet to Velop mesh satellite router. Any ideas?

In my case, the behavior started 2 days ago. Rebooting and cleaning up the library accomplishes nothing

I have Roon on an I9 SGC Server. Changing memory settings and rebooting did nothing. Starting and stopping Roon server via the OS cleared the error.

So I can add music to my library from either Qboz or a Tidal, but the album art / metatadata match doesn’t work

The problem is getting worse.

This is what I discover opening up Roon this morning.

Hi @Andrew_Lightman,

Apologies for the difficulties here. I have moved all of your posts into one thread so that we can better focus on this issue.

Can you please try rebooting your networking gear and signing out and back in to any streaming services under Roon Settings -> Services?

I used the SGC software to stop and restart Roon. That cleared the issue.

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Do not restart the core, restart Roon.

That’s great news @Andrew_Lightman, glad to hear that the issue is resolved!

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