Migrated Mac to New Machine: Roon freaking out

Roon Core Machine

Synology Diskstation 218+; 6GB RAMM

Networking Gear & Setup Details

Asus ZenWifi AX with hardwire backhaul to 2nd node.

Connected Audio Devices

MacStudio via wired connection to router/Synology
Macbook Air connected via Wifi

Number of Tracks in Library


Description of Issue

I had to wipe my old desktop machine (MacStudio) and decided to clone the setup of my Macbook Air. I did migration assistant of the old data to the MacStudio. I got just about all my other apps working fine but when I got to Roon and had it open on both the Air and Studio it completely freaked out. By that I mean it would:

  • connect, disconnect from the core
  • become incapable of playing most of the tracks on Synology that were digital files (vs. Tidal files)
  • When i closed roon on the MacStudio, it stopped
  • My suspicion is that Roon is seeing both machines as the same.
  • In Roon setup / Audio, the audio on “This Mac” is exactly the same: System Output and “MacBook Air Speakers”.

How do I get Roon to recognize the two unique computers and hopefully stop this behavior?

And i believe this is because you cloned the old Mac, Roon now does not know which is which as both appear identical to Roon.
Hence the connect, disconnect dance routine.

Please use the below steps to reset your Roon Machine ID and separate the remote from the Core:

  • Before doing anything, create a Backup of your Roon database and save it somewhere safe
  • Close the Roon app on your Core and close the Roon Remote app on your Remote machine
  • Enable show hidden files and folders for your Mac
  • Locate the .rmembid file in your home directory on your OSX Roon Remote and delete it
  • Locate the .rmembid file in your home directory on your Core and delete it as well
  • Open your Roon Database Location on your Core, find the folder called “RAAT_Server” and delete it
  • Open the Roon Database Location on your Roon Remote and perform the same deletion of the “RAATServer” folder and also the “Roon” folder (just on your Remote)
  • Reinstall the Roon Remote App for your Remote machine but do not open the Roon app yet
  • Open the Roon App on your Core
  • Open the Roon app on your Remote

Key item is to get rid of this .rmembid file.


Which creates an exact copy and now Roon thinks there are two of them. Maybe the final step from the
Moving Roon to a New Core instructions helps:

Apple’s (time machine) and migration assistant do not work with Roon, you have to install Roon from from a fresh download and then restore from a Roon DB backup.

See Roon Help Centre for details …

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Guys, he didn’t move his core, according to the post. He just moved the Roon UI app by cloning the Mac. So no database backups and restores should be necessary. The Core is on the NAS.


Oh OK, I misread, but I guess there are still 2 identical remotes that confuse Roon. (Remotes can also be endpoints, so surely they must be unique).

In this case, I’d not bother with cloning a remote, it’s just a small number of settings to apply to a new install.

Maybe it helps to

  • uninstall the remote
  • delete /Users/USERNAME/Library/Roon
  • delete the mentioned .rmembid file (it also exists on remotes)
  • reinstall

Yes. Correct.

For the .rmembid file on the core, I did not find one. Does this exist for RoonOnNAS/Synology?

As you didn’t move you core, I don’t think that’s relevant anymore. But the Mac remote has such a file in /Users/USERNAME/.rmembid which is probably a unique identifier for the remote as well, and with the migration assistant you cloned it, so when the remotes on Air and Studio are running, Roon probably thinks the same remote exists twice

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Guys, you’re awesome. Did above steps and have orig mac, clone mac and ARC all streaming very nicely. Holding my breath for a few hrs just to make sure.

Thank you for the quick responses and spot on solutions.


Don’t overdo it, breathe when it gets difficult :joy:


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