Missing codecs - but ffmpeg file is there are log shows that it is found [Resolved - see instructions]

Roon Core running on i5 NUC, Version 1.0 (build 227) stable

Topping E30 DAC

I followed the instructions to install ffmpeg in codecs directory… it’s there.

I see this in the logs:

04/17 15:05:30 Info: [media] resolved oop decoder to /roon/data/Codecs/ffmpeg
04/17 15:05:30 Trace: [brokerserver] Enabling broker server

yet the status page continues to show “missing codecs”

I’m able to play audio directly from the core system through the E30 dac.
Does that mean everything is working and there is only a problem with the status message?

Hi @Steven_Ritacco and welcome to the community forum.

You should use the search tool. There are already some threads and solutions about this:

I already have searched and read… no luck.
That’s why I included a snippet from my log showing that the ffmpeg file is found.

Ah Ok. Sorry for this.

I think you have installed ROCK on your NUC and what is the operation system from which you have copied the codecs to your NUC? In most cases there is a permission problem.

Yes, I suspected that also. I’m on Linux. I tried chmod 777 on the ffmpeg file before the copy to the NUC.
That also didn’t help. Could there be an owner or group issue?

Is there some way to get a more verbose debug output?

I have posted this elsewhere before, but can’t find it on the quickly.

Delete the ffmpeg file and copy it again with the following terminal commands (you have to copy it as root, or sudo in this case):

sudo mount -t cifs //rock/Data -o vers=1.0 /mnt/
sudo cp ffmpeg /mnt/Codecs

In the first line “rock” must be adjusted if necessary.

You don’t have to enter a password at this prompt: Password for root@//rock/Data: Just hit return.

And very important, restart your Roon server after that.

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Eureka! That did it. For other’s reference though, I had to add another step.
The mount command above doesn’t work on Ubuntu 20.04 unless you first install cifs-utils.

sudo apt-get install cifs-utils

Maybe this could get added to the pages about “Missing Codecs” in the help info. ?

Thank you!


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