This example is one of many in these box sets, and if I but knew it may more.
I have 20+ Beethoven Piano Sonata sets.(Obsessive yes…)
Most show piano sonata no 1 as Piano Sonata No.1 in F Minor Op.2/1 ( I used Musichi initially to standardise this order)
These 2 show it as Piano Sonata No.1 Op.2/1 in F Minor, i.e. reversed
The Composition Tag is common in all cases being Piano Sonata No.1 in F Minor Op.2 No.1, set externally by JRiver
The bulk show in the composition browser. I just happen to know there are 2 missing, I cannot see them anywhere in the composition Browser
They are from the sets
Beethoven Complete Piano Sonatas Michel Korstick and ditto Rudolph Buchbinder
I assume if I could see them I could merge them …
I have manually added Movement to the tags which caused the sonata to “split” on the main page (With and without Numbers and Roman Numerals)
Both of these sets are “Unidentified”, I have tried Jaikoz to see if MusicBrainz can see them but no joy
So How do I merge these so that I can see a full set in the composition browser?
The same holds for the remaining 31 tracks on the box set
It would seem that Roon doesn’t have these albums in its Db , so how can I manually fix it , internal to Roon or external