Missing icons on MUSE panel despite troubleshooting (ref#RQWPH1)

What’s happening?

· Other

Describe the issue

For over a year the icons have been gone from the MUSE panel. Screenshot: https://imgur.com/a/e1hmzj2

I have already tried clearing Roon cache and local data, re-installing the app, moving the core to a different PC with stable, wired internet connection (see here: https://community.roonlabs.com/t/roon-stopped-syncing-tidal-favs-1-week-ago/243227/20?u=moderatedionysianism)

Neither of these helped. Multiple Roon updates later, I still see these black gaps in my UI.

Describe your network setup

PLAY BOX NET HFC router (specs: https://www.play.pl/pomoc/internet-i-telewizja/internet/play-box-net-router-hfc), wired connection to the Core PC ( MELE QUIETER OVERCLOCK N95 32/512GB WIN 11)

Hi @ModerateDionysianism,
Sorry that your previous post got closed without a resolution. I have to say I have never seen this happen before. So I will need to make a ticket on this for our development team. I cannot comment on an exact timeline for a fix to be found. However rest assured that it is being investigated. Thank you in advance for your patience.

Hi @ModerateDionysianism
Our developers have taken a look at this case. To narrow down where the issue is does this bug happen on your remote devices or just the server? Also can you please use the directions found here and send over a set of logs to our File Uploader?

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