Missing link to Wikipedia to a very well know composition

Content you’re reporting an issue with

[Symphony no. 9 in D minor, op. 125 “Choral”]

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This is not an album, this is a composition

Is this content from local files, TIDAL, or Qobuz?

Not applicable : composition description are on Wikipedia, and metadata links in Roon

Screenshot of import settings

Demonstration of no Wikipedia for this composition :

Description of the issue

I have opened a subject about links Roon <=> Wikipedia (Linking new Wikipedia article to Roon?) which is now closed. I marked the thread solved too quickly, trusting the answer. But the answer (a Roon composition is linked to Wikipedia, if Musicbrainz have Wikidata link) seems necessary, but not sufficient.

For example, the universally known 9th symphony from Beethoven, have no link to Wikipedia in Roon, despite having Wikidata link in Musicbrainz : Symphony “Symphony no. 9 in D minor, op. 125 “Choral”” - MusicBrainz

I would want to understand how the link Roon => Wikidata works exactly. What is the problem here ?

nobody cares ?

We do care and we have a ticket to fix this, but it’s not as straightforward as you might think. Please bear with us on this…

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Thank you ! I don’t think it is simple (I’m a software engineer, I imagine some kind of complicated database query/update batches with a buggy Musicbrainz API…). Let us know if we can do something by ourselves , on Musicbrainz or elsewhere…

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Hi @Jean_Christophe_BENO. This is now fixed for Beethoven’s Symphony No. 9 (and many other compositions). Thanks for reporting it!

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