Missing Some Album Art, Windows Desktop Only? Rev 1353

Roon Core Machine

ROCK on Roon-Spec NUC

Networking Gear & Setup Details

All Gigabit Ethernet

Connected Audio Devices


Number of Tracks in Library

~38,000 tracks

Description of Issue

Such an odd problem - please see the photo. After upgrading my system to 1353, my Windows notebook is not not displaying some album art (photo). I have rebooted my Core, the Windows client, and everything else. I’ve logged out of TIDAL, and back in. I uninstalled Roon from the Windows machine, and re-installed. Nothing has fixed the issue.

Very important: problem does not exist on an iPad, Mac, nor Android client, or on Roon ARC. And the Windows machine and Roon client were working fine as recently as this morning.


I hit a similar issue with this update - wrong album artwork were displayed.
Try to clear cache from the settings and see if it helps.

How embarrassing - yes, clearing the cache did it. I had not had to do that previously, but yep, that did it. Thank you.

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