Missing Wikipedia Article - Artist: Enrique Iglesias Album: Final (Vol. 1)

Content you’re reporting an issue with

Artist: Enrique Iglesias
Album: Final (Vol. 1)

Have you made any edits to this content in Roon?

Yes, but problems still there if I revert edits.

Is the album identified in Roon?

Yes, Correctly identified.

Is this content from local files, TIDAL, or Qobuz?


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Description of the issue

Wikipedia article exists but is not picked up in Roon.

Doesn’t show up on the tidal or qobuz versions either.

I have noticed MANY artists or album pages with missing wikipedia page, even though the wikipedia article does exist.

Hi @Niccolo_Terzi. Can you give some examples? Sometimes it’s just because the metadata is incomplete, usually in MusicBrainz.

The album mentioned in this thread is already fixed.

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