Missing Wikipedia article (Wikidata ID present on MusicBrainz)

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@joel Roon does not offer Wikipedia article for the well known “Mass in B minor” from Johann-Sebastian Bach (see screenshot for exact name), only Tivo is available.

WD ID is present on Mass “h-Moll-Messe, BWV 232” - MusicBrainz

Thanks in advance for caring, not only for this composition, but for clearing bugs causing this.

Hi @Jean_Christophe_BENO. This one is not easily fixed I’m afraid.

TiVo – which is currently canonical in our metadata – has the following composition for BWV 232:

However, the MusicBrainz work you’ve linked to is equivalenced to another TiVo composition:

For this reason, the Wikidata id (associated with the MusicBrainz work) is on the “wrong” Roon composition and so the corresponding Wikipedia article doesn’t show up.

It’s surprisingly hard to match TiVo composition to MusicBrainz works, because they deal with the composition hierarchies differently. Musicbrainz has surprisingly few albums with recordings of the B Minor mass and our code is determining a better unambiguous match to TiVo’s Kyrie & Gloria version.

It’s possible that there’s a bug here, but the code works well in general. We’re not planning to work on it any time soon, but I’ll make a note that we should look at this issue when we do.

Thanks for reporting it.

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I understand, thanks. It should exists a way to “correct” ourselves such things, like a “AllMusic” ID on WikiData. There is no AllMusic ID for this composition on WD, I can add it to the “right” AllMusic composition. Maybe your algorithm could take in priority the Link WD => Allmusic, bypassing MusicBrainz ? This way, any user could correct missing or wrong Wikipedia link ?

^ This is an interesting idea, but would require a (non-trivial) change in how our systems process these links. I’ll discuss it with the team.

An additional possibility would be to add Allmusic (TiVo) links to MusicBrainz compositions as equivalence hints for resolving ambiguities. We couldn’t trust these hints absolutely though because, in our model, each TiVo composition can only have a single equivalent MusicBrainz work (and there must be no duplicates). Our current approach is statistical, leverages our entire metadata processing solution, and has the built-in benefit of weeding out / bypassing bad data.

The MusicBrainz work schema is much richer than TiVo’s, because works and work parts (and meta-works) are connected via hierarchical links. We would probably have moved to using MusicBrainz as canonical for Classical if there wasn’t a major omission in the work schema, namely the lack of “performance” objects to tie together album tracks to an unambiguous parent work.

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