More database features, please?

Did you explore the features of Roon in Focus? Most of this exists for albums in the library.

Indeed it’s not possible to do these things for albums that are not in the library. There is a chasm in Roon between library and non-library items that is unfortunate. However, it’s been much discussed and there are lots of existing feature request for this - it does not seem easy in the current architecture.

I am making an educated guess that doing all this not just for the local library but for 100 million albums in Qobuz and Tidal is simply not possible on a local NUC. In the long-running search thread there is a description by Roonlabs for why they moved search in the cloud and the massive infrastructure that would be necessary to run a local search engine instead. And cloud search in Roon is far from where it should be - they are still building it. I’d bet that all the neat library features for the whole streaming database will need a similar cloud investment - and time.

And the Qobuz section in Roon is just based on the Qobuz API, which I bet is severely limited and not at all suited to doing these things.