Moving to NUC (Rock) from running Core in Windows - Database Migration Version Issues

Roon Core Machine

OS Version 1.0 (build 254) production
NUC7i5BNH, 8GB RAM, 256 GB SSD, Intel® Core™ i5-7260U

Networking Gear & Setup Details

Connected via LAN to Router

Connected Audio Devices

MacBook (Wifi)
iPhone (Wifi)

Number of Tracks in Library

7,600 Tracks

Description of Issue

I have succesfully configured the new NUC and it showing up as a Core on my iPhone etc. All looks good on the Nuc (via the Web UI).
However, when I tried to migrate the database from my old Core to my new Core (as per the instructions), I get the attached message. ( “This version of Roon is not compatible with your Database…”)

Old Core (Windows PC) is Version 2.0 (build 1232) production
New Core (NUC) is Version 2.0 (build 1143) production

I assume the issue is that the database from the old core is not supported as its from a newer Version to that on the NUC.
The immediate issue I face is that i cannot get in to the New Core on my Roon, to upgrade to the latest version. What way can i do this?

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On your new nuc try going direct to here
That should enable you to dl the latest Roon build.

Use the Web Administration Interface page for your ROCK/NUC to Reinstall Roon OS. That will pull in the latest version of Roon Server to resolve this glitch.

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Probably easier to go with @Geoff_Coupe suggestions here I think.
Good luck and let us know how it goes.

Thanks @Geoff_Coupe - will this wipe everything? Or will all settings etc and database still be there?

Hi @Niall_O_Meara,

The Roon database is preserved, but I’d like to a add a cautionary note; that with any software/system update/change an issue can not be 100% ruled out … which is why it’s essential to take and maintain regular backups.

Thanks all, that worked.

Only issue i have now is that I have lost the Favourite Tracks (from my local library). Note: My Favourites from Tidal are appearing ok.

Any ideas ?

Have you restored a backup to your new Core?

Yes, i restored a backup from the old core to this new one

Just wondering if restoring after you have logged in has caused this? The Migration article specifies to restore the backup before you log in.

You could try closing down your Roon client, then using the Web Administration Interface to reset your database. When you next connect to the ROCK/NUC, you should see the login page, and the link to restore the backup at the bottom of the page.

Thanks. I’ll give it a try. Note: I actually restored before I logged in.

I’m wondering is it because the music files are now in a different drive (plugged in to USB). On my PC, the music folders were actually on the hard drive

See screenshot of what I now see in Settings/Storage. ( I added the last 2 folders, the first 2 were already there after the restore but location was no longer valid )

Ah - there’s the problem - you needed to have edited the existing folder paths - not added new ones…

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ok, so reset the database as per your instructions above? and then make sure to edit the folders ?

Should work…

OK, finally - all good now !! Thanks for your help.


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