MQA dropouts during play

Just trying this out. When “turning off” MQA in Tidal desktop and playing from imac, the S2D shows the MQA symbol with a green dot. However, when playing from Roon, the dot is blue? Good thing: no drop outs so far :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I upgraded my computer and the dropouts stopped!

I was using a mini PC with an Intel Atom and 4Gb of RAM as my Roon server (connected to the Pro-Ject DAC).

This week I bought a an Intel NUC I7 (8 Gb of RAM) and installed ROCK on it. Everythings working perfectly now, no dropouts at all.

(And the NUC is brilliant in the upsampling department).

This reinforces my idea that the main problem with MQA dropouts is somehow connected to fluctuations on the electric output of the USB port…

I hope my experience helps you guys somehow. The Pro-Ject is indeed an incredible device!


Just an update. If anyone was still having MQA issues with the Pro-Ject S2 DAC doing the full MQA decode, this issue disappears when you setup Roon v1.5 to the MQA 1st unfold.

You’ll then get MQB showing on your DAC’s OLED display when it’s in this MQA ‘rendering’ mode.

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