As we expected, folks are patently incapable of discussing MQA based on the factual information provided rather than interjecting biased, highly opinionated rants. The thread is now locked, if you guys need to spew toxicity and opinion as fact, take your discussion elsewhere.
Spotted this , today …
@Mike_O_Neill - moved your post into the existing (closed) thread…
unclear about what this all means…
I’ve moved your post into this (closed) topic thread. I think we simply have to await further developments as they unfold…
6 posts were merged into an existing topic: AMA w/ Jesse @ TIDAL, CEO says hi-res lossless is coming
Fellow Community members, my apologies for the confusion on this. Roon is ok with discussion on recent MQA developments. We don’t have an official position on the situation. We just don’t want things to descend into attacking other Community members over their opinions on the subject.
Please keep things civil in this thread:
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