Multichannel DSD over Nucleus HDMI

Hi Kal,
that’s an very good information, because it’s much cheaper.
You connected the Nucleus+ with USB to Okto DAC8Pro , and than the output from there is DSD nativ to the amplifier without converting?
And I need no Sigma-Streamer?

Yes and it also has its own volume control knob.

I do not have a Nucleus+ so I cannot say that I have done exactly that. However, I did connect it by USB to a PinkFaun (which runs Roon under Linux) and it does play native DSD64 and DSD128.

Not for this DAC.

Very fast answer.
It sounds, that I must try it, but in the description Nucleus+ send only multichannel with HDMI, nothing about USB, and that is my problem.

Again, I have not used the Nucleus+ via USB for multichannel because I did not have the OKTO DAC8 Pro when I had the Nucleus+. However, there are others who have reported using the combination at AudioPhileStyle.

Many thanks for the information.

Unfortunately, I do not find the information at AudioPhileStyle.
Perhaps have you a link for me?

Sorry. I do not. I must say that the Nucleus+ is just a headless Roon Core and I am now using another headless Roon Core over which I can only use Roon. It recognizes the DAC8.

Are you able to control the DAC’s volume in Roon?

Dunno. Will try it tomorrow. Doubt it.

“I use the e38 most of the time but I can suggest an alternative: The Okto DAC8Pro which runs under Linux without any special driver. It should be a good match to the Nucleus+.”

@mitr, I’m expecting my Okto later this week. Pavel sent me an ASIO driver link for the Okto. It’s not needed for 2- or multi-channel, or only if the Roon/HQP/JRiver server runs on Linux? Absent another revelation, I’m planning on building Chris Connaker’s CAPS20 Windows-based server when he shares the details of it in the next few weeks. Although my current server, Chris’ CAPSZuma design, has an i7-4790 processor and 16Gb of RAM, when applying Audiolense convolution filters and upscaling, I can’t get past DSD128 without stuttering at present, 2- or multi-channel. JCR

It is generally not needed for Linux-based systems. The ASIO driver is for Win systems. Number of channels is not relevant to this.

Thanks! I’m interested to hear if you have any success.

As expected, no. I can control Roon’s volume but not the DAC’s.

Ah. Thanks for checking!

Hi Kal,
i have just solve my problem with the new exasound s88. Now i have perfect multichannel DSD together with my nucelus+.
Merry christmas to the roon community

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And how do you’ve solved it?
Only connecting with usb and then?

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The s88 works well with USB or LAN inputs. It is, also, a Roon Ready so any OS will do.

Hi Burkhardt,
the s88 plays DSD multichannel and stereo without converting to PCM. I connect the s88 with my Marantz 7015 AVR analog multchannel input. Output Stereo with nuPowerD and multichannel (center + souround back) with the marantz. The Nucelous+ ist connected via LAN. The s88 dac on linear power supply Keces P8.