Multiple performers listed where only Main Artist should be

Since 1.1 I’ve seen an increased number of my albums have multiple performers listed where only the main artists should be.

See attached screen shot, prior to 1.1 only Motorpsycho was listed and now something that looks messy and not clean. Should not those other performers be listed down in the white area “All tracks Performed by…”, basically those 2 areas need to be flipped.

I know for example the latest Steven Wilson album looks like this, from another post, but I don’t know the reply from Roon.

I added the album “Natural History” by Talk Talk and ended up with 3 artists listed I don’t want to see. Am I missing a setting that will just show Talk Talk as the artist?

Good find !
I hadn’t noticed this before, but I have found the same entries - my data’s from Discogs where that data doesn’t seem to be mentioned.
And here’s what I see in Roon :-

I’ve searched for & played this album several times since having Roon & I’ve definitely not seen this weirdness before…

I’ve posted about this as well. How can I disable “secondary” artist names?

In addition to the two I mentioned, Sufjan Stevens’ 2015 Album Carrie and Lowell has the same issue of also displaying the other performers.

Thanks for the report guys – I can reproduce this issue and I’ve bumped the priority of the ticket in our bug tracker.

We were already tracking this with regards to the Sufjan Stevens album, but obviously this appears to be a bit more widespread than just that one album. We’ll run this down guys, thanks.

Thanks for the update.

Thanks for looking into this. Here are a few other albums that have this issue, which I found by focusing on artists with no images.

Public Image Ltd - This is PiL
Built to Spill - Keep It Like a Secret
Tim Hecker - Virgins
Laura Marling - Once I Was an Eagle
Ben Frost - A U R O R A

Hey guys – we’re still looking into this issue, and I just posted an update here:

Great Idea, here’s my list:

Beachwood Sparks - The Tarnished Gold
Beachwood Sparks - Desert Skies
Yusuf - Tell 'Em I’m Here
Steve Wilson - Hand Cannot Erase
Chelsea Wolfe - Apokalypsis
Adele has 2 listings in under Artist - Adele and Adele Adkins
The Mothers of Invention - Mothermania
Crippled Black Phoenix - White Light Generator
Sufjan Stevens - Carrie and Lowell
Lord Huron - Strange Trails
Motorpsycho - Still Life with Eggplant
Motorpsycho - Behind the Sun
Bonnie “Prince” Billy - has 2 listings under Artist with what looks to be the same spelling
Dan Baird - Love Songs for the Hearing Impaired
Built to Spill - Keep it Like a Secret
Disappears - Era
Brian Ellis is also listed as Brain Ellis
Filter - Short Bus
Titus Andronicus - The Monitor
Eels - Wonderful, Glorious
Eels - The Cautionary Tales of Mark Oliver Everett
Eels - Royal Albert Hall
John Garcia - John Garcia
Sloan - Commonwealth
John Carpenter - Lost Themes
Electric Wurms - Musik, Die Schwer Zu Twerk
Ulver - Wars of the Roses
Young Widows - Easy Pain
Eugene McDaniels - Outlaw
Eugene McDaniels - Headless Heroes of the Apocalypse
Lucero - Women & Work
Superchunk - Indoor Living
Speed, Glue & Shinki - Eve
John Cougar & John Mellencamp have 2 separate Artist entries
Faith No More - Sol Invictus
Tim Hecker - Virgins
Failure - The Heart is a Monster
Neko Case - The Worse Things Get…
King Buzzo and Buzz Osborne is the same person but have separate entries
A.R.E. Weapons - Darker Blue
Ghost - Infestissumam (All Ghost albums are mixed as some are Ghost and some Ghost B.C.)
Radar Men From the Moon have 2 entries "Radar Men From the Moon and “Radar Men from the Moon”
Sylvester Anfang II - s/t (also has Silvester Anfang, which are 2 different groups)
Faith No More - Who Cares a Lot: Greatest Hits
The Unintended and Unintended have 2 different Artist page (they are the same band and it’s “The Unintended”)
Whatever Nevermind comes in as an Artist and in fact it is the name of an album (a tribute to Nirvana’s Nevermind album)

Doing this exercise was great as it also allowed me to locate 5-7 EP’s which were identified in my library as some other artist/album from what is actually was.

Will someone from Roon be submitting the info that users have already posted about to AllMusic, or do you need us to do it ourselves?

Love both of these, @anon94274355! Good list all around.

I’m hoping to talk with AllMusic soon about how they’d like us proceed here. If we can help expedite we will, but in the meantime, feel free to report them directly and I’ll follow up here once we talk with our contacts there.

Closed due to inactivity. If you are still seeing this issue, please open a new support thread.