Multiple Problems, Updates, Network Connection, Error retrieving account information, metadata improver halted, update needed

Dell desktop Windows 10 Home ver 1803 Intel Core i7 920 2.67 GHz 24 GB memory 250 album database on internal D: drive (ordinary SATA spinning drive)

Multiple problems every time I start Roon Core. Music plays great, Issues are with Metadata errors on added CD rip files. My directory structure and naming protocol is the same as I have always done. Single albums, not part of boxed sets, not compilations, etc.

Network Details (Including networking gear model/manufacturer and if on WiFi/Ethernet)

Cable Internet 700 mbps no connection issues. Roon PC hooked up with wired ethernet through a current model Netgear ProSafe Gigabit 4 outlet switch to a Netgear XR500 AC router.
Using a GB speed Netgear Cable Modem. Good internet connection and speed everywhere.
Firewall has Roon.exe in allowed software. I can log in here easily with my account.

Audio Devices (Specify what device you’re using and its connection type - USB/HDMI/etc.)

PC USB connection to Schiit Bifrost 2 as primary audio to Roon Core PC, with Roon remote installed on another Alienware PC also USB out to Topping DAC.

Description Of Issue

Refer to screenshots for error messages.
Constantly spinning circle on top right of main (and every) screen. Click on it to get message:
“Metadata Improver Halted: Roon needs a software update”
Roon is already updated to 1.7 (build 555) stable 64 bit. ???

If I manually search for an album’s Title and Artist under Edit while the album is displayed, I get this error: “Please Check your network connection and try again.” Nothing else has issues with an internet connection. Do I need to include any other programs in the Windows Firewall “allowed programs” other than roon.exe ???

See screenshots for other errors.

Added Music and update errors

Have you done any troubleshooting like rebooting everything?

Yes, rebooting does not change anything. I disabled the Ropiee display and unplugged it from the ethernet because Roon is always searching for a Squeezebox device.
I also read Jesper_Skovlund support that said it was cured with a reboot. How can I check that Roon is able to see the internet connection to the metadata servers. And is this related to the account info not being available. I have a lifetime subscription.

I don’t think this is the root of your problems, but often raatserver.exe also needs a firewall exception.

I just rebooted everything from the cable modem all the way up the chain. I also pulled all the ethernet cables and plugged them back in. No change with Roon issues.

Strange, that after clicking NEXT box in the first “Manually search for your album” screen with network error still displayed, I get this (screenshot):
That almost gives the impression that Roon has searched for Artist and Album data?

I did recently (maybe 1 week ago) mess with my other Roon Remote desktop file sharing permissions and network naming (workgroup) to try to use it as a roon backup location for the Roon Core. I completed 1 backup and seems to fail any future attempts. I gave up on that since I have 2 drives on the Core PC. I generally just use a USB SSD for manual backups anyway.

I didn’t really notice any real Roon problems at that time, but I don’t use it everyday.I am an above average PC amateur, but rather weak in networking with about 75% success rate with projects. Usually take the approach that if it works, don’t mess with it.

That is a very old version of win 10 home. Is there a reason it is not updating? The latest version (not counting the brand new May one) is ver 1909.

Yes, I have a program that prevents it from auto installing updates. There was a period when Microsoft was screwing up USB audio to where it made expensive DACs not want to work at higher rates. It was necessary to run everything at 44khz 16 bit or else get terrible results.

I guess I can update now if you feel that that could be causing this issue. I also have a new Alienware high end desktop that I can just transfer my Roon license over to and likely be done with this mess. That was the long term plan anyway. The Alienware has had all updates and I would just need to transfer 250 albums (about 30 of them DSD 64 - 2 GB roughly each) over to the HD.
I refuse to be forced into using MS Edge and IE just so they can keep track of my browsing habits, so Edge has been disabled (renamed so MS can’t auto start 2 extra browsers that I don’t need). The new Alienware is liquid cooled and wicked fast with unnecessary spyware and bloatware running.

Hello @Robert_C_Callenius, we have seen this message for other users and it is usually solved by a reboot. Please let me know if that works for you as well.

I wish it was that simple. Read my replies to ged_hickman1, grossmsj, and rugby, if you are interested in a puzzle. Windows 10 1803 is at end of service and can’t update, but every other program runs without a hitch and only Roon has connection errors with metadata servers like Discog etc.

Thanks for your reply, this is puzzling at best. This seemed to occur with the latest Roon update.
It did not actually have symptoms until I added music (flac files) to my collection.

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