Multiple profiles in Roon - the same Streaming services?

Good morning,

today I’d like to talk to you guys about an idea which I had when I was using Roon. Since I’ve moved together with my girlfriend, I started using the “profile” function in Roon. She has her own profile in Roon, also, she’s using roon ARC with her own profile.
When it comes to streaming services like Tidal and Qobuz, we have experienced a strange thing: It isn’t possible to configure Roon the way that when she is using Roon with her profile Roon is logged in in her own Tidal account. You can only have one “active” and "configured Tidal/Qobut account, both users have to use it. So you only have the playlists of the “main” users, favourites, mixes, etc.

Isn’t it a bit missing the point when you have two different profiles in Roon but you can only use the Tidal account of one of them? It should be possible to configure Roon the way that when I pick my profile it is connected to my Tidal and Qobut and when she is using her profile in Roon it is connected to her profile account.

Any thoughts about that?

Kind regards

It only works with one account as you have found. There are feature requests to add multi account streaming, family accounts etc.
All of the issues relate back to Roon being designed before there were streaming services so all tracks would have been local.

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You can find, and add you vote to the feature request here

The api for streaming only allows one active account per device it’s run on at a time. You can’t have multiple accounts active at the same time from the same app or device. As Roon is a server client system with essentially one account it can only have one active for a given service. This is the same for any server client apps not just Roon. Not sure there is away to get around it easily.

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