My Albums: Sorting by album title does not work correctly

Roon Core Machine

audiodata MusikServer II, Windows 10 Pro, Intel Celeron CPU J1900 @ 1.99GHz
2.00 GHz, 8,00 GB RAM

Networking Gear & Setup Details

Not relevant

Connected Audio Devices

Not relevant

Number of Tracks in Library

Aprox. 6,800 tracks

Description of Issue

In the “My Albums” view the sort order is incorrect: Even though it is set to “By album title”, the first three albums in my library that should be displayed first are not. It seems that Roon does not correctly process full stops / periods at the beginning of album titles (see attachments).

Roon does not sort in exactly the same way that your computer file system sorts. The basics will be the same but the issue of titles that start with a punctuation marks is more complicated. As far as I know there are no generally agreed principles of cataloguing titles that start with punctuation marks. The general practice (again I’m talking cataloguing, not computer file ordering) seems to be to ignore some types of punctuation but to recognise other types, at least in terms of alphabetization. Roon recognises certain things (e.g. parentheses, question mark, semi-colon) but not others (e.g. full stop, comma, colon).

Roon is working as you would expect for software that deploys cataloguing algorithms. It is working correctly, just not the way that you would like it to work.

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Thanks for your swift reply.

I respectfully disagree, though.

As an end user, I don’t (have to) care about how Roon is implementing sorting functions.

I think I can expect that sorting works the way 99 out of 100 pieces of whatever software work when sorting a list by an alphanumeric field (like album title). Why would I have to accept a completely inconsistent sorting function as “works as expected”?

I’m sure no-one would ever expect a sorting function that works like this:

  • Correctly display album titles where punctuation mark(s) precede(s) a lower case u
  • Ignore album titles where punctuation mark(s) precede(s) an upper case B, N or T and pick next character for sorting. :wink:

Software file management uses a very basic algorithm that tends to ignore any established cataloguing principles. Roon uses a more complex algorithm. This algorithm behaves in a certain way, as I previously described. Lots of cataolguing software also works this way. You can expect whatever you like, but Roon is working the way that it was designed to work.

An interesting deviation that I can’t replicate. The full stops should be ignored and the album listed under “u”, but it isn’t.

However, the general point stands. Roon does not count full stops when alphabetising album titles. You could submit a Feature Request to allow this option, but I doubt they’ll consider it.

I was having the same issue and made this change and it straighten it out for me. To me from a logical point of view, I was looking at “Album Title” as the correct setting and when I changed it to “Various Artist” it corrected everything for me.

Do not know if this will fix it for you but it might. There are also other tweaks here to generate your results display.

It is the last one at the bottom.


Whatever the algorithm behaves like, it shold do it consistently. Wouldn’t hurt to call a bug a bug, not an “interesting deviation”.

Thanks, Mike, I changed the setting the way you describet it, but it dindn’t change the sort order.

I’ve now updated the album tags to now reflect the title incorrectly, i.e. without full stops. :wink:

Thanks, Claudio

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I tried. :wink:


I agree, it certainly shouldn’t work like that. I regard it as interesting because I can’t replicate it and therefore wondered what might be causing it.

Tried with the seemingly obvious solution to use an upper case U, but that was not the problem.

As I wrote, I updated the album title and deleted the full stops. Is no longer the correct album title now, but at least the sort order is kind of correct.

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