My library doubles in size regularly

Yes, I agree, but Support already has many threads on this in the official channels, e.g.:

I see, I didn’t realize that „my library doubles in size regularly“ was supposed to be the same thing. In this case, any relevant information is probably more useful in the tracking thread. Support asked for feedback on the tracking thread about who experiences „case 1“ and who experiences „case 2“, and only 8 people answered, which seems a small number compared to how much noise is being made about the issue.

Can’t one of the mods just tell the devs?

I don’t know, but every regular knows what should go where :slight_smile:

It’s very unrealistic to expect bungled releases to be posted in an increasingly difficult to use support section. It’s human nature. Roon needs to get on top of release feedback and endemic user base bugs in a different way.

Got the same problem:




Certainly, this doesn’t belong in ROCK .

@andyboschier as @Suedkiez recommends, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to create a ticket in Support, or to add to the existing thread noted above, to ensure Support sees your experience.

To all - this post from @benjamin last week points to a solution coming soon:

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Maybe and I’m not Roon Labs, but people who are on the forum most days should know that Roon Software Discussion is for user discussions and Support for everything that needs Roon Labs involvement.

Moved this to support.

@moderators not sure if this should be merged with the other support thread on various artists as it all feels like it’s related but with other complications. Be good to get @connors take and merge if needed. It’s not been in support so issues maybe not been noted.


Hi @Torben_Rick

Might be worth checking for Duplicates.

The issue lies when your albums pages shows;

2368 of 2154 or similar

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You seem to be missing the point. If people aren’t using support as you yourself have noted then there is a reason. There have been many similar comments by several mods. If the effort involved in raising a support ticket is no longer considered worth it then then there is a deeper problem than the syntax of support vs. discussion.

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Maybe, but talking amongst yourselves guarantees that nothing will happen, which is less than what is achieved in support. In any case one can’t complain then.

Isn’t that what the point is? Once talking amongst ourselves is viewed as at least as productive as reaching out to support there is clearly something broken. This trend doesn’t look like a misunderstanding of procedure to me, more a rational choice. Roon needs to start listening.

I am still looking for a solution to roon putting 100% played tracks back on the queue and shuffling them in an unlistenable way. Deleting the queue, all its history and any SPLs does not solve the problem. Less than 12 hours later I have a queue of over 19.5k tracks and 64 days. In some cases the queue is being built from played history from 6 months ago in June. I am trying to listen to some Chamber Music from the turn of the last century and roon has found a way of mixing that up with some 80’s/90’s’ House music. Unlistenable.

I don’t even know where roon is getting my play history from as I thought I had deleted it. Roon also seems to expend sufficient resources on building this queue that it is rendering roon unusably unresponsive and is causing background backups to crash.

I have 3 zones and I just noticed that the queue in all 3 zones have approximately doubled in size. Going from about 1000 songs to 2000 songs.

I may be viewed as such but really it isn’t, not in cases that obviously need software fixes.

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I have three queues as well. Two of them are effected. One has grown to 19k+ tracks and the other to 18k+.

One of the queues is not affected. That has “loop” accidently switched on which also has the effect of suspending radio. However, radio on or off doesn’t seem to be a trigger for this behaviour. I will try deleting one of the queues again and this time switching on loop to see how it goes.

Edit: Well turning loop on made no difference. Queue is up to 16.8k in approx. 6 hours.

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