My Wifi dongle MediaTek Inc. MT7612U does not work anymore

Nope, mine shows up like wan adapter.

I’m not entirely sure what usb-modeswitch does and if we can run it unconditionally, but in general I would say that I’m up for an experiment.

I did some reading and there are more and more (unfortunately) wifi adapters that have this construction.

Can you give me the exact details? I’ll order one myself to figure it out.


I’ll PM you details. I just tried DietPi because I can ssh.

I simply ran G_AGI usb-modeswitch

And that was enough, to go from this:

To this:

Info I found:

Hilariously this is on the product marketing page.

I had the same face she has - when it showed up as a CD ROM drive and I needed the internet to download another package LOL

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