Mytek DAC does not connect via ASIO, only WASAPI [Solved: Disabled WASAPI, rebooted device]

Core Machine

Win 10, 32g ram , 64, windows up to date

Network Details

Hard wired ethernet, no network issues

Audio Devices

Mytek usb stereo 192 dsd dac

Library Size

35,000 tracks

Description of Issue

New install. Almost everything working well- sounds GREAT!!
Under the audio page the mytek dac is listed twice.
WASAPI works fine.
It is also listed as Mytek Stereo Dac ASIO. When I hit the enable button I get a device intialization failed error message. I would prefer to try to use asio. Asio on this dac works fine on jriver, same machine.
Mytek driver is up to date.
Please let me know how to proceed.

Not official support, but, I would first as a test, Disable the Wasapi device. Reboot the device and the Roon Core and see if you get the initialization failed message.

For example, a user with similar problem and resolution

That worked!!
I tried the asio driver first and it failed, not sure why doing it again worked- but it did!!
I will not argue with success!!
sounds great so far


My back of the envelop guess is that ASIO requires exclusive access to the DAC by default. If it cannot get exclusive access it usually means that something else is already engaging the DAC.


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