NAD M10 (v1) not Roon Ready anymore?

My NAD M10 (v1) isn’t recognized as Roon Ready anymore. Recently I did a factory-reset because I want to sell it. However, to compare speakers, I have installed it again. Previously I haven’t used it with Roon as it was a standalone system but I’m sure it was recognized as Roon Ready. As a workaround I use it with Airplay but that is not optimal. My Pulse M is recognized as Roon Ready
and has the same software version as my M10 (both 3.20.45). The M10 is wired to the network, the Pulse M wireless.

Anyone a suggestion as to what I’m doing wrong?

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Ongoing saga unfortunately

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Ah thanks, hadn’t seen that :open_mouth:

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It’s the factory reset that does it.