Naim NDX crashing with Roon

System : Naim NDX, Roon Core running on MacBook Pro M1, Sonore Bridge. Net gear router.

I’m currently running Roon as trial while I decide whether to take the plunge.
To get it to work with my NDX I’ve added a Sonore Bridge to my Network.
My NDX is hard wired to the router.

Both last night and the night before, having used the system through the Day, my NDX suddenly stopped playing. Songs on the Roon app skipped on one after the other without playing. I also noticed that my NDX started flashing a sequence of lights on the control panel. This took the form of a cross, flashing 3 times in quick succession, before repeating.

Has anyone experienced anything like this before?

Please supply a bit more detail about the fault

Is this new
What networking etc

Sorry I saved the post by error and it then went directly to moderation.
Update supplied.

On the Naim forum, people don’t seem to have posted about such an issue

Bit confused about the connections ?

does this help

I suppose he has this:

“The Sonore UPnP Bridge will make your DLNA or UPnP audio player show up in Roon as a Squeezebox.”

There is also the Sonore optical Rendu which does USB and UPnP, but as the NDX doesn’t have USB in, I suppose in any case he’s using UPnP.

All in all, doesn’t seem like a Roon problem to me.

Maybe this helps:

It’s an unsupported method of using Roon so yeah not necessary a Roon issue. Some users of late have had issues with it at sample rate changes on some systems. @simon_pepper uses one wi by his NDX might be able to assist you better as I doubt Roon support can help as it’s an unsupported method for Roon.

Yes, I use the SonoreUPnP Bridge with my NDS, and yes if you crash the feed with frequent track changes (back/forward) where the conversion between the Roon based format to a UPnP stream, then tracks don’t play and just skip through.
Reset the NDX and the SonoreUPnP bridge.

Remember the way the NDX/NDS is designed to work with UPnP is based on a pull based requests from a UPnP server, whereas Roon is a push stream from the Core to the endpoint, which then has to be converted in-flight and then presented to the Naim player. So many changes in the stream coming down from the Roon Core can confuse the conversion and playback.

Hi Simon,
Many thanks for this reply… It sounds as though, as you say, I’ve overloaded my poor NDX.
Resetting as you suggest does fix the problem and now that I understand the cause I’ll try to avoid this situation.

To everyone else who has also commented. Many thanks for your input, it is much appreciated.

PS I’m also thinking about taking this set up over to an NDS - are there any other things I should bear in mind before I invest in an NDS/555PS??

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No, the integration between Roon and the Naim player works in the same way, just it just gets better. When I moved from a ND5XS/NP5XS to NDS/NP5XS there was a big jump in SQ, which just got better with the NDS/555DR combo.

I still have a question over whether a NDS/2x555DR is as good again.

Thanks Simon, much appreciated.

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