Naim NDX2 not appearing in Roon

Before I start diving into my network, can anyone reassure me I’ve not done something obviously wrong/missed something obvious?

I’ve just purchased a Naim NDX2 and connected it to my home network. Roon is working with other devices but the Naim NDX2 hasn’t “appeared” in Roon (via settings/audio). Have I missed a step?

I have a ‘MOCK’ (ROCK running on Dell hardware) which can still see my Pi and Airplay endpoints; and I’ve tried rebooting everything and did a factory reset on the NDX.


Is the NDX connected to the same router/switch as your Roon server, i.e., on the same subnet?

It is (should be) need to do more investigation tonight just wanted to check there was nothing obvious I’d missed.

The obvious thing people sometimes miss is that you need to go to Settings > Audio and enable the NDX2.
At the top of the page you should see devices that have already been enabled. You may need to scroll down to see other devices. Your NDX2 should be listed there as a Roon endpoint. You may also see it listed separately as an Airplay device, and again as a Chromecast device, but you probably just need to enable it as a Roon device.

Thanks @ChrisSU and @mjw got it sorted… had different subnet masks on the Roon server (static IP) and DHCP server. Was pretty sure it was something on my end but if you’re anything like like you sometime need to check you;re not missing something obvious!

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