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My Naim Uniti Nova no longer displays as an audio source.
Describe your network setup
EE Router wired directly to the Nova.
· Something else
· None of the above
· Other
My Naim Uniti Nova no longer displays as an audio source.
EE Router wired directly to the Nova.
Welcome to the forum!
Do you mean an audio output zone? (Asking because the Nova is never a source, it’s a Roon Ready endpoint)
Can you show us a screenshot of the Roon Ready section of Roon > Settings > Audio?
Hello @chris_yates1 ,
Thanks for your message and welcome to the forum. I am looking over your account and according to diagnostics, it looks like your Uniti Nova is currently showing up as expected. Is the issue resolved? If it is still ongoing, can you share a screenshot of what you see on your end if it is not showing up?
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